Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thank you for a wonderful first week-Few Reminders

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for such a fantastic first week of school.  We appreciate all of your help with this!  Just a few quick reminders...

Upon entering the building beginning on Monday, you need to check in at the office with your ID for a badge. The tardy bell rings at 7:45am. If your child is not in the classroom at that time, we will be giving tardies and your child will need to check in at the front office. Please make sure your child gets to school on time, so they don’t miss the instruction your teacher has prepared for the day or disrupt the flow of the class.

If your child is a car rider and you are dropping them off in the morning, the only drop off places are the in front of the front door of the school or in front of the side door of the school. If you would like to walk your child, please make sure you park your car in our lot and enter through the front of the building. PLEASE do not drop your child off in the parking lot and have them walk through the traffic to the building. This is very dangerous due to cars coming through and backing up along with limited visibility. Your child’s safety is our number one priority.

If your child is getting home differently, please either call the office by 2:00 pm or send a note with your child. On the note, we need the teacher’s name, child’s name, how they are getting home and the address they will be going to. This information is very important to ensure your child gets to where they need to go safely.

Thanks again for a great first week and your continued support for a great school year!  We are truly enjoying the ride at Emile Elementary!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Urgent Notice-Fire Lanes

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I want to make sure I pass on this information on to you.  We received notification that beginning today, the city will be writing citations for parking in the fire lanes at all schools within the city limits.  They are marked with red paint on the curbs.   I understand sometimes it is very convenient, especially if you are just quickly walking in and out, but they are in place for a very important reason-to help protect our school.  I truly appreciate your understanding in this matter.   Mrs. Lacey Padgett

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome to the 2010-2011 School Year!

I am very excited about this new communication avenue with parents and guardians in addition to our other continued efforts.  I really hope that you find it helpful and will continue to keep it updated with news and events about our school and district...   

Wow!  I can't believe how fast the summer went.  We have been hard at work preparing for what is going to be one of the best years yet at Emile!  I would like to applaud our custodial and maintenance staff for all of the hard work making sure our building is a  clean and safe environment for our students and staff.  We truly appreciate all they do! 

Don't forget Meet the Teacher Night on August 19th from 4-6pm.  Not only will you get a chance to meet your teachers, but we will have our fabulous PTA with membership information and Emile t-shirts for sale, our cafeteria staff will be available for free and reduced lunch information and you can put money on your child's card, along with several other organizations and businesses. 

We are also very excited about our first annual KinderCub Parent Orientation starting at 3:15pm before Meet the Teacher Night.  We will introduce our wonderful Kindergarten staff, go over campus information/procedures, and answer any questions you may have as a new Kindergarten parent/guardian.  We want to make this the best experience possible for our new KinderCubs and for you as a parent/guardian.

Looking forward to a great year!  Enjoy the ride!  Mrs. Lacey Padgett